Technician Jeanne performing an offsite grooming for a new client. 

Technician Jeanne performing an offsite grooming for a new client. 


While it is widely known that cats are excellent at keeping themselves clean, there are times when a professional grooming can be invaluable for your pet. Many cats cannot stand being handled to have their nails trimmed or teeth cleaned. These are tasks that may be daunting and challenging for pet owners, but here at Mohawk Valley Cat Care we are grooming experts!

Whether your cat just needs their nails and teeth done routinely, or needs to be shaved due to matting, we are here to help! Our professional team is experienced in various grooming methods to make the process as simple on you and your pet as possible.

Give us a call today or send us a message to learn how we can help!

We offer:

  • Nail Trims
  • Dental (cleaning, extractions, etc)
  • Ear Cleaning
  • Fur Maintenance (shaving, grooming, etc)